
Blog 115 – A New Way of Selling eBooks – The NFT

In 2019, artist Maurizio Cattlelan created a stir in the artworld when his art piece Comedian – a banana duct-taped to the wall – was sold for $120,000 and was subsequently eaten by performance artist David Datuna. The international press that the stunt gathered played into the hands of both the artist and investor, and […]

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Blog 88: Working With Artists

So recently, I decided to commission an artist to draw some digital illustrations of some of my characters from my new book ‘Lost Frequencies’. I had never done this before as I thought it would be far too expensive, and I didn’t really know where to look for a suitable artist. Being a hobby artist, […]

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Blog 55: Artists and Authors.

You might not think that authors are often artists too, but it seems to be true that creative people like to explore lots of different creative avenues even if their efforts are purely for pleasure and never taken seriously. With the recent opening of the British Library’s ‘Harry Potter – A History Of Magic’, I […]

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