
Blog 128: A Modest Dissertation Proposal.

From 2017-2021, I have been mired in an English Literature and Film & TV Studies joint honours. I’ll be graduating next month. In my fourth year, I was lucky enough to secure a place doing a creative writing dissertation. I could write 10,000-12,000 words of prose, either a portfolio of short stories or a short novella; […]

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Blog 119: 7 Tips For Writing Essays

What You Can Learn from My Essay Writing Process/University Experiences After having my nose to the grindstone for four months, I have finally finished all of my assignments for university. Due to an episode of poor mental health in the run up to my May deadlines, I had to ask for an extension until August, […]

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Blog 117: 5 Tips for Reading for Essays/Assignments.

After having my nose to the grindstone for four months, I have finally finished all of my assignments for my undergraduate English Literature and Film & TV Studies degree. Due to an episode of poor mental health in the run up to my May deadlines, I had to ask for an extension until August, which […]

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