Have you ever followed a single path in your life and then found it has suddenly divided and branched into many new directions, right underneath your feet?
This has happened to me, just last week in fact. I have a new life, my first book, and a new blog, right here! I’ve been excited, surprised and yet riddled with anxiety. I’ve been elated one minute and fearful the next. It’s been beautiful and exhausting but I believe it has been and will be, worth it. What on earth am I talking about? Let me explain…
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Hello wandering eyes, you’ve found my first blog series. I’ve written many blogs before but this is my first ‘Diary of a Young Writer’ blog. My name is Caitlin Lynagh, though most people struggle to pronounce my troublesome Irish surname. On the 28th January this year, I released my first book, Anomaly (The Soul Prophecies). It’s my first published work, yes I was lucky enough to be picked up by a publisher, and it’s also available as a paperback and ebook. Awesome, right?
This last week has been a flurry of activity, including a press interview and waves of support from family and friends. I will also mention and praise my ever patient duo team, my marketer, Hannah, and my editor/agent, Emma. I would love to go on and praise everyone, but there are so many people involved with publishing a book that this blog would end up extremely long. However, without everyone’s help I wouldn’t be here today and those people know who they are, I give you my heartfelt thanks.
This blog will be updated every fortnight and I’ll include a variety of ideas but mainly I will discuss what it is like to be a writer and share all my secrets and my not-so-glamorous working lifestyle. I’ll share what I have learnt and experienced, both the good and the bad. I will also talk about books, because you can never have too many books to talk about.
Hopefully I can help and advise new and aspiring writers, and post up any useful hints and tips I come across. Everything to do with writing will be right here, in first person, typed with the fingers of a young writer and new author.
I mentioned how my path had branched at the beginning of this blog, I invite you to travel down these unfamiliar and exciting paths with me, perhaps we might discover something incredible.
Please feel free to offer me suggestions and ask questions, I am curious to know your thoughts and opinions. I hope you have a good day and thank you for reading, now I will leave you with a popular quote and personal favourite of mine…
‘Not all those who wander… are lost’ – J.R.R. Tolkien