Back in March I had the opportunity to launch my debut novel Folked Up with the assistance of the Centre for Childhood Cultures at Queen Mary University of London. Part of this involved running a creative writing workshop based around world building for YA audiences, where we discussed some of the things to bear in […]
Author: Guest Blogger
It probably goes without saying that many of us writers are a solitary bunch. We should, in theory, be experts on not leaving the house for a while. Once upon a time, social distancing may have been the ideal for many of us, but now it isolates and, in many cases, frustrates us. So, how […]
Becoming an author is not an easy decision to make. New writers have to convince an agent or publisher to take them on, write a novel that will appeal to readers, learn about the industry, improve their writing skills, and in most cases balance a job and family commitments too. At times it feels like trying to climb […]
Have you ever followed a single path in your life and then found it has suddenly divided and branched into many new directions, right underneath your feet? This has happened to me, just last week in fact. I have a new life, my first book, and a new blog, right here! I’ve been excited, surprised […]