
Blog 154: The Anatomy of Old Books

Before I worked in a second-hand bookshop, I didn’t know anything about old books; how they were made, what materials were used, how the pages were folded, or any of the terms for the different parts of a book. Over the last six years I’ve learnt a lot and I have been reading books about […]

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Blog 153: Blackout Poetry

Just before Christmas I was browsing in my local bookshop and I came across a journal called ‘Scribble-out Poetry’. In this journal there are individual pages of sample text from some of history’s greatest works, ready to be blacked out with a marker to form poetry. But what is Scribble-out Poetry? A quick internet search […]

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Blog 152: Gift Books For Christmas!

It’s that time of year again where you’re wondering what an earth to get for your aunt, uncle, cousin, friend… and it’s even harder this year with energy costs and rising prices. So why not give your nearest and dearest a lovely book for Christmas which won’t break the bank? Here are some gift books […]

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Blog 151: Bookshop Spot – Bookpoint Dunoon

Dunoon is a town in Scotland, on the Cowal peninsula, in the south of Argyll and Bute. You can reach the town by land or by sea, but despite its history and recently renovated appearance, the town, like most towns today, suffers from a number of empty retail premises. However, not everything is gone, and […]

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Blog 150: Reading The Artist’s Way

I’ve been reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, after my friend and manager, recommended it to me. Described online; ‘The Artist’s Way provides a twelve-week course that guides you through the process of recovering your creative self. It aims to dispel the ‘I’m not talented enough’ conditioning that holds many people back and helps […]

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Blog 149: My Favourite Book Characters.

As a socially awkward introvert, I often prefer book characters to real people. There’s just something about being able to relate to people in fiction that is so much more interesting than the real world, although, any good story should be able to transport the reader out of the real world. I particularly love characters […]

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Blog 148: Twelve People Who Visit Bookshops.

I have to confess, I haven’t read Shaun Bythell’s ‘Seven Kinds of People You Find in Bookshops’ so this list may have some similarities to his book, however the list below is based on my own observations from working in a large second-hand bookshop. Please note this list is loosely based on reality and is […]

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Blog 147: Writing And Imposter Syndrome.

For those of you who don’t know, I work in a bookshop which happens to sell my books, and every time one of my books sells, I’m always amazed. I feel a mixture of anxiety, surprise, happiness and doubt. This doesn’t just happen with my books though, I make things too and when they sell, […]

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Blog 146: Gifts For Book-Lovers That Are Not Books.

Your thoughts are probably elsewhere in light of recent events and the last three years, but the winter season is fast approaching. Halloween is just around the corner and soon after that Christmas will be upon us. Searching for gifts can be tricky and coming up with new ideas every year that won’t break your […]

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Blog 145: Twenty Truths About Being A Writer.

I’ve been writing books, or at least trying to, for the last nine years. At first I was met with a lot of disbelief and raised eyebrows when I talked about being a writer. Most people didn’t believe I could or would be able to write a book. Four published books later, I have learnt […]

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