March 2025 Blog- Spring is Beginning
Quote: “What a desolate place would be a world without a flower! It would be a face without a smile, a feast without a welcome” A. J. Balfour.
I have been thinking about flowers and the positivity they bring. Now we are in March, various blooms are creating a glorious fanfare to herald the arrival of spring. Daffodils are the main flower we see and of course we think of William Wordsworth’s poem about daffodils. Crocuses, bluebells and tulips are also seen throughout the season. I have chosen a photo of tulips for this month’s photo. When I look at flowers, I think about the bright colours, smells and how they can add a type of natural artistry to any room. Many writers like to explore how flowers and gardens are central to literature.
One of my favourite stories is by Katherine Mansfield. The Garden Party contains many lovely descriptions of the garden space, and how flowers are incorporated into the home space. I have chosen the quote this month from Isobel Carlson’s book, Words from the Garden. I love books with quotes, poems and themes and will choose another quote from this book again. The quote speaks of how “desolate” the world would be, without a “flower”. This is very true; flowers really feel like a “smile”. Just think of yellow flowers like sunflowers and daffodils. The feelings they invoke are ones of comfort, happiness and brightness. I often say we need more bright colours in life.
As a young writer, I often like to describe something each month that is worthy of my writing. I feel nature and flowers provide much to write about. A walk in the local park at this time of year, feels like an overflow of inspiration to document. The great thing about enjoying flowers and indeed flowers in literature, is that you do not need any knowledge on them. The Latin names can feel technical but authors have ways to construct descriptions of the garden, that are relatable to all of us.
I encourage you to not only enjoy any flowers you see this month, but maybe also note some of the feelings that they invoke. The tulips in the vase only lasts while they are fresh, and that is like good writing. Ideas often only occur and need to be written down before they are forgotten. Freshness is key! How many times do we have a great idea, but by not writing it down, can forget parts or the whole thing? The fleeting beauty of flowers makes us enjoy them more, they are not going to last long so capture the days when they are almost, then in full bloom. The final literature connotation I will make, is the power that flowers have. A gesture of giving or receiving flowers, holds great power, just like powerful words. When you next look at those tulips, try to see just how much magic they contain!
Work Cited-
Photo- Gardenia. “Gardenia”. Gardenia. Date Accessed: 3rd March 2025. URL:
Carlson, Isobel. Words from the Garden. 1st Edition. Summersdale Publishers Ltd.