“To love or to have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further. There is no other pearl to be found in the dark fold of life” (Victor Hugo, Les Misérables). February- There is something great about that first change of month in the new year. I have recently spoken to a few people, who all […]
Tag: English Literature
My Favourite Novels I Studied As Part of My Degree (in no particular order) As part of reflecting on my experiences at university, it would be bizarre not to include discussions about the novels I studied as part of my English Literature degree. We studied a wide range of texts, including plays and poetry but […]
In my 3rd year of my English Literature degree, I took a class about Renaissance/Early Modern literature and poetry. Part of the requirements for the latter half of the degree was that we take at least 1 subject that covered pre-1800s literature, so I decided to do mine in the first semester of that year. […]
‘Once Upon A Time’ to ‘Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive’. How and why did story writing change so much? And what can we learn from it? Traditionally, word of mouth was the only way to communicate and share stories, but with the advent of writing implements and machines, stories were recorded […]
When I was in high school and studying English Literature, we read books like ‘Of Mice And Men’ and ‘An Inspector Calls’. One day that I remember clearly, a student asked the English teacher why we were bothering to study the sentences in such detail. This student was sure that writers would not and did […]