
Blog 65: One Tip To Becoming A Successful Author

Do you know the one thing that I cannot stand? Whinging Authors. Particularly authors who whinge about the lack of book sales, or even, whinge that they have sold a paperback version of their book but, because it’s not the kindle version, they get less in royalties. I mean come on! I know it’s tough […]

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Blog 43: Notes On Book Marketing.

The idea of marketing your book can be overwhelming, especially if you’re an indie author and you’re just starting out. Below are some of the thoughts and suggestions from a marketing friend of mine who has been looking at the most effective promotional tools for authors. From branding, to online and offline marketing, here is […]

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Blog 40: Why You Should Invest In An Editor.

“The funny thing about writing is that whether you’re doing it well or you’re doing it poorly, it looks the exact same. That is actually one of the main ways that writing is different from ballet dancing.” – John Green If you’re an indie author and either have, or are considering self-publishing, then let me […]

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Blog 22: Reactions Make Stories Believable!

Have you ever read a book where a character does or says something that seems to be completely bizarre? I don’t mean a plot-twist, I mean when a character literally does not follow ‘normal human behaviour’ causing the story to lose its believability and you, as the reader, end up questioning what planet the author […]

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Blog 15: Approaching a Bookshop with your Book.

Now I am not an expert here at all, and as a new author I’ve only had one encounter with a bookshop so far, to say it went badly would be an understatement. However, I learnt some valuable lessons from that one encounter and I’m going to share those lessons with all of you aspiring […]

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Blog 12: Opening and Closing Lines.

Whatever you’re writing, whether it be a novel, an article, or even a letter, the opening and closing lines are crucial. As an author, I would say that both your opening line and closing line are equally important. Why? Because the opening line will be the first thing your reader will read, and they will […]

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Blog 9: Biggest Mistakes New Writers Make! – Part 1.

Unless you’ve taken a creative writing course or an English degree, you will probably make a few mistakes with your writing, and you won’t necessarily realise these until someone points them out to you. How do I know this? Because I’ve been there and done it (hides in shame over my early writing days). Nowadays I read […]

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Blog 6: Write Anything and Everything.

You don’t have to write thousands of words every day in order to be a writer. In fact, this is likely to only happen when you are in your ‘creative zone’, and I mean the zone where you’re totally tuned out from the world and your imagination is solely focused on the piece of work […]

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