
Blog 69: Writing My First Short Play – Jen Hughes

Before I start my story, let me say that I have written scripts before. I started off with this awful screenplay-theatre-play hybrid format on Microsoft word, because I did all of my writing on Microsoft word. I copied the format that I had seen in playscripts in school, in particular the adaptation of Gillian Cross’s […]

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Blog 30: I Wish I Were More Creative…

Have you ever heard a friend, a family member, or even perhaps a stranger wishing out loud that they were more creative? Or maybe you’ve heard some of these excuses: ‘but I’m not creative like you’ or ‘I’m terrible at drawing’ or ‘I don’t have the time to play a musical instrument?’ Yet, these are […]

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Blog 15: Approaching a Bookshop with your Book.

Now I am not an expert here at all, and as a new author I’ve only had one encounter with a bookshop so far, to say it went badly would be an understatement. However, I learnt some valuable lessons from that one encounter and I’m going to share those lessons with all of you aspiring […]

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