Anyone remember Labyrinth? Of course you do, how could anyone forget David Bowie as the Goblin King Jareth? Labyrinth is a musical, fantasy film which came out in 1986. Jim Henson, George Lucas and Brian Froud were the main masterminds behind the production and many of the characters were played by puppets produced by Jim […]
Sick of Harry Potter yet? No, me neither, but since Harry Potter exploded into our lives in 1997, there hasn’t really been a major book series since that has captured the minds of teenagers and adults alike in the same way. Sure there has been The Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Twilight, Percy Jackson and The […]
‘There are no faster or firmer friendships than those formed between people who love the same books.’ – Irving Stone, Clarence Darrow For The Defense. Have you ever heard of a book shelter or a little library (also known as a public bookcase)? If not, then you are in for a treat. These are magical […]
I work in a large second-hand bookshop and I see a lot of people, mainly from the older population, but occasionally teenagers brave the mighty depths of the bookshelves too. I often hear comments made about the shop as people cross over the threshold, some are in awe, others are excited, and some are just […]
Outlet Publishing is a publisher that gives young writers the opportunity to have their novel published. They are looking for talented young novelists to publish and contributors to the Diary of a Young Writer blog. As a contributor of their blog I feel it is my duty to help young writers in any way I […]
Before I start my story, let me say that I have written scripts before. I started off with this awful screenplay-theatre-play hybrid format on Microsoft word, because I did all of my writing on Microsoft word. I copied the format that I had seen in playscripts in school, in particular the adaptation of Gillian Cross’s […]
I’ll usually tell my audience that I write poetry to make sense of the things that happen to me in my life, and then proceed to read poems about terrible art exhibitions and shows I’ve attended, but it’s really not that far from the actual truth. My poems are often inspired by real events, people, […]
It’s horrible, criticism. Everyone hates it. We hate it even when we know the person, and know that the person is actually trying to help us. Often we’re criticised by mean people we don’t know, and that really does suck, but if you’re trying to become a successful author then taking criticism and dealing with it […]
The opportunity ambushed me, in a way. A dear poet friend of mine, Gayle Smith, needed another member for her team in the Greater Glasgow slam, and I had offered myself. Three days before the slam was to start, I thought ‘might as well’. You could read from a sheet of paper, notebook or folder, […]
Do you know the one thing that I cannot stand? Whinging Authors. Particularly authors who whinge about the lack of book sales, or even, whinge that they have sold a paperback version of their book but, because it’s not the kindle version, they get less in royalties. I mean come on! I know it’s tough […]