
Blog 149: My Favourite Book Characters.

As a socially awkward introvert, I often prefer book characters to real people. There’s just something about being able to relate to people in fiction that is so much more interesting than the real world, although, any good story should be able to transport the reader out of the real world. I particularly love characters […]

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Blog 146: Gifts For Book-Lovers That Are Not Books.

Your thoughts are probably elsewhere in light of recent events and the last three years, but the winter season is fast approaching. Halloween is just around the corner and soon after that Christmas will be upon us. Searching for gifts can be tricky and coming up with new ideas every year that won’t break your […]

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Blog 145: Twenty Truths About Being A Writer.

I’ve been writing books, or at least trying to, for the last nine years. At first I was met with a lot of disbelief and raised eyebrows when I talked about being a writer. Most people didn’t believe I could or would be able to write a book. Four published books later, I have learnt […]

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