
Blog 13: How to do Tax as a UK Author.

I’m sorry this is a boring and long blog but it is REALLY IMPORTANT, so you should read it. I’ve touched on this subject briefly in Blog 2: ‘Becoming a Writer is Like Climbing a Mountain’ and now I am going to go into more detail. In the UK and certainly during my school years, […]

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Blog 12: Opening and Closing Lines.

Whatever you’re writing, whether it be a novel, an article, or even a letter, the opening and closing lines are crucial. As an author, I would say that both your opening line and closing line are equally important. Why? Because the opening line will be the first thing your reader will read, and they will […]

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Blog 10: Biggest Mistakes New Writers Make! – Part 2.

If you’ve missed the first part of the ‘Biggest Mistakes New Writers Make’ then hop over to Blog 9: Biggest Mistakes New Writers Make! – Part 1. Blog 9 covers the mistakes ‘show don’t tell’ and ‘too much description’. If you’re already up to speed then read away… Mistake 3) Active tense vs passive tense. […]

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Blog 9: Biggest Mistakes New Writers Make! – Part 1.

Unless you’ve taken a creative writing course or an English degree, you will probably make a few mistakes with your writing, and you won’t necessarily realise these until someone points them out to you. How do I know this? Because I’ve been there and done it (hides in shame over my early writing days). Nowadays I read […]

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Blog 7: Searching for Inspiration.

Inspiration. I’ve used this word sparingly throughout my blogs so far but I’ve not really gone into any detail. ‘I’m waiting for inspiration to strike’ is a common phrase used by creative people, but you may be asking ‘what exactly is inspiration?’ and ‘why do I have to wait for it?’ Inspiration can be defined […]

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Blog 6: Write Anything and Everything.

You don’t have to write thousands of words every day in order to be a writer. In fact, this is likely to only happen when you are in your ‘creative zone’, and I mean the zone where you’re totally tuned out from the world and your imagination is solely focused on the piece of work […]

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