
Blog 129: Books I Would Have If I Had A Home Library.

This list could easily be hundreds if not thousands of books including but not limited to, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, The Roald Dahl Collection, On The Origin Of Species by Charles Darwin, 1984 by George Orwell, The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Republic by Plato, The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare, […]

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Blog 125: Great Books To Give As Gifts.

All over the country, there are words disappearing from children’s lives. These are the words of the natural world; Dandelion, Otter, Bramble and Acorn, all gone. A wild landscape of imagination and play is rapidly fading from our children’s minds. The Lost Words stands against the disappearance of wild childhood. It is a joyful celebration – […]

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Blog 124: What To Do If You Have Too Many Books.

Many people have been downsizing and decluttering their homes during the lockdowns. Like a lot of people, you may have a number of books that you have read and no longer want to keep. If you’re finding that you’re running out of shelf space, here are some options for you where you can move on […]

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Blog 122: My Favourite Childhood Book.

Every book lover I know is usually searching for that one long lost book they can vaguely remember owning as a child. Sometimes they remember parts of the title, sometimes they can remember the colour of the book and if they are lucky, they might remember the author. Often these books are so hard to […]

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Blog 117: 5 Tips for Reading for Essays/Assignments.

After having my nose to the grindstone for four months, I have finally finished all of my assignments for my undergraduate English Literature and Film & TV Studies degree. Due to an episode of poor mental health in the run up to my May deadlines, I had to ask for an extension until August, which […]

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Blog 115 – A New Way of Selling eBooks – The NFT

In 2019, artist Maurizio Cattlelan created a stir in the artworld when his art piece Comedian – a banana duct-taped to the wall – was sold for $120,000 and was subsequently eaten by performance artist David Datuna. The international press that the stunt gathered played into the hands of both the artist and investor, and […]

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Blog 114: My Favourite Book Quotes…

I love reading funny, thought-provoking and beautiful sentences in books. As a writer, I hope I’ll create sentences that readers will also love and quote for themselves in the future. Here are some of my favourite book quotes… “I want to change my punctuation. I long for exclamation marks, but I’m drowning in ellipses.”― Isaac Marion, Warm […]

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Blog 113: Was The Movie Better Than The Book?

Many bookworms would gasp at the idea of a movie adaptation being better than the original book, and in most cases the book is usually better than the movie. There are some movie adaptations that are awful, some that are good, and only one that I personally think is better than the book. Here are […]

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