
Blog 149: My Favourite Book Characters.

As a socially awkward introvert, I often prefer book characters to real people. There’s just something about being able to relate to people in fiction that is so much more interesting than the real world, although, any good story should be able to transport the reader out of the real world. I particularly love characters […]

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Blog 144: Books I would recommend….

1. Eragon by Christopher Paolini   Eragon was my favourite book throughout my teen years, I read it over a dozen times whilst I waited for the sequels to come out. For anyone who doesn’t know this book or the series, Eragon is pretty much the fantasy version of Star Wars, but with dragons too. […]

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Blog 135: Poetry & Writing Novels.

When reading a great book you will always come across a few lines or paragraphs that will make you pause for a moment, they will make you laugh, cry, gasp, look inwardly at yourself, and say ‘wow’.  These parts of the book are often quoted again and again by other readers in book reviews and […]

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Blog 114: My Favourite Book Quotes…

I love reading funny, thought-provoking and beautiful sentences in books. As a writer, I hope I’ll create sentences that readers will also love and quote for themselves in the future. Here are some of my favourite book quotes… “I want to change my punctuation. I long for exclamation marks, but I’m drowning in ellipses.”― Isaac Marion, Warm […]

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Blog 98: Read To Pass The Time During Lockdown.

A lot of people have been furloughed or have been put on reduced hours due to the coronavirus pandemic. High Streets have closed and many businesses are relying on government pay-outs and online sales. This includes your local, independent bookshops. With more time on our hands and less access to the outside world you may […]

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Blog 39: The Evolution of Fiction Writing

‘Once Upon A Time’ to ‘Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive’. How and why did story writing change so much? And what can we learn from it? Traditionally, word of mouth was the only way to communicate and share stories, but with the advent of writing implements and machines, stories were recorded […]

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Blog 23: Inspiring Authors

There have been a number of authors who have inspired me over the years and some of them I have only discovered recently. Whether they have made me laugh, cry, or just hooked me into buying more of their work, there are just some books that you will talk about and remember forever. Unfortunately I don’t […]

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Blog 12: Opening and Closing Lines.

Whatever you’re writing, whether it be a novel, an article, or even a letter, the opening and closing lines are crucial. As an author, I would say that both your opening line and closing line are equally important. Why? Because the opening line will be the first thing your reader will read, and they will […]

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